Friday, 10 February 2012

Cut out and Collage

A quick and easy craft session me and B like to indulge in is to collage with gloopy glue. I cut out a selection of random shapes from coloured card, magazines, wrapping paper, carrier bags - anything really. B then paints on the gloopy glue and arranges them however she likes. You could also add string, bottle tops, lids, pasta shapes, lollipop sticks, foil the possibilities are endless!!

Friday, 3 February 2012

Peg Butterflies

These peg butterflies are very easy to make and make lovely hanging decorations. No glue is needed and you only need some coloured tissue paper, stickers, pipe cleaner, string and ofcourse an old style wooden peg (I bought a back of 24 for around a pound).

And here's how - cut several pieces of coloured tissue paper into long rectangles with rounded off corners. Slip four of these through the middle gap of the peg and you have the wings. Wrap the pipe cleaner around the neck and decorate with lots of stickers! Lastly tie a piece of string in the middle and hang - a lovely spring time craft.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Loopy Lollipops

Ok so here's my first post! The pics above and below are of two ideas I had to use coloured lollipop sticks that seem popular with kids crafts at the moment. I help out at our local toddler group craft session where I came across a box of these sticks. So we're all going to make mini Noah's arks this week, I'll make the paper arks and the kids will decorate the flags and add animal stickers (the stickers used cost £1 from the pound shop and there was 100 in a pack - bargain!).

Next week we'll use the lollipop sticks to make flowers. I wasn't sure how to make the flowers stand up but a piece of card bent round like a bracelet seems to do the job and becomes the flower pot which the kids can decorate.